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Lesson Five • Inerrancy of Scripture

Pastor Kyle Wendel

1. When is a time you read a book or heard a story and wondered how much of it was actually true?

The inerrancy of Scripture is of utmost importance when it comes to the Christian faith. The inerrancy of Scripture means that there is no error in the Bible. There are no contradictions within God’s Word that would make us question His character. So when we say there is no error in Scripture, we mean the original manuscripts. Within different translations, you may see grammatical errors or contextual errors, but within God’s original Word, there is no error to be found. Our faith must be firmly built on the Word of God. We must have trust in God’s Word that we are receiving and reading God’s words every time we open the Bible.

Read Hebrews 6:17-19.

2. What is impossible for God to do? What does this mean for the inerrancy of Scripture?

3. According to verse 19, how does this help us live our lives? What does this mean for our daily life?

4. What does “enters into the inner place behind the curtain” mean?

5. Why do you think that understanding Scripture as 100% true is important to the Christian faith?

6. What would happen to our faith if we thought that parts of the Bible were true and parts were false? What ramifications could this have?

Read Numbers 23:19.

As a father now, I try to not lie to my kids. I am even careful with half-truths or a play on words. I do not want my children to lose their trust in me or my words. It would be much harder if my children did not trust me. I hope that they can always trust me in their lives. God is even greater. God cannot lie or have any half-truths. God is perfect. There is no promise that is not true that God has made in the Bible. We can place our full trust and faith in Him and His Word because there is only truth found in Him. He speaks 100% truth, not 50% or even just 90%.

Read Psalm 119:151 and Psalm 119:160.

You should spend time reading all of Psalm 119 and see how special and important God’s Word is to the believer. It is even greater knowing that we can place full trust in it as God’s Word as well.

Read John 1:1-2 and John 1:14.

7. Who was the Word? Why is this important?

Read John 14:6.

8. What does Jesus call Himself?

Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

9. How is Scripture breathed out by God but written by man?

10. Does that nullify that it is God’s Word?

11. What is the Word of God for?

12. What are some things that the world will try to use against the Bible to discredit it?

13. How can we stand on the Word of God as always faithful and always true?

14. Why is it so important to see the Word of God as inerrant?

15. How does that change our lives as a believer?

Knowing that the Bible is God’s Word should drastically change the way we look at it. It is no longer just some book written by a man. It is the literal Word of God. That changes everything. It now holds a spiritual power that no other book can compare to. It holds a spiritual weight in our lives. If we truly understood that the Bible is God’s Word to us, we would want to spend as much time as we possibly could in it. We should want to know more about who God is, how He loves us, and how we can follow Him.

16. Do you make reading the Word of God a priority in your life? Why or why not?

17. Do you allow the Word of God to change your life?

Read Hebrews 4:12.

18. Do you ever feel God speaking to you through His Word?
