The main hero image

Lesson Seven • Behold

Pastor Keaton Washburn

As we begin a study on the attributes of God, it is important to reflect on His glory. We must think about what sets God apart. Why is He worth studying? How is He different than humans?

  1. Who is someone with an excellent reputation? What sets them apart from the average person?
  1. Do you respect that person who has an excellent reputation? Why or why not?

There are two distinct definitions of glory. The first way to define glory is honor or excellent reputation. It is this definition of the word that we find in verses like Romans 3:23 which says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” To fall short of something means there must have been a standard that was set. In this case, the standard is the perfection of God.

  1. What kind of reputation does God have for the average non-Christian? How do they usually think of God?
  1. What influences their thoughts on God? Do you think you have influenced anyone’s thoughts on God’s reputation?

Back in 2023, there was a marketing campaign that took off. You may have heard of it or seen their ads or commercials. It is called, “He Gets Us.” It began when a group of wealthy Christians read a survey that revealed that most people in America’s thoughts on Jesus were negative. The study showed that the average American thought of Christians as hateful, judgmental, and prideful. These wealthy Christians saw this as an issue and decided to do something about it. Over the course of a year and a half, they planned to spend around $200 million on an ad campaign that highlighted the true character of Jesus – humble, loving, and, ultimately, the Savior of the world. They did this through two Superbowl commercials in 2023, ads on social media, free hats and t-shirts, billboards, and local TV commercials.

  1. Do you think this was a good use of $200 million dollars? Do you think an ad can change someone’s mind about God?

The second definition of God’s glory is the bright light that shines around His presence. Psalm 104:1-2 says, “Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, you are very great! You are clothed with splendor and majesty, covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent.” It is not that God has Himself wrapped in a blanket of light literally, but it is the result of His excellence and perfection. You could almost say that it glows. As humans, we are unworthy to see Him fully. His glory is so bright around Him that our eyes cannot fully comprehend it. While God’s glory sets Him apart from creation, He shares an aspect of it with those who have called upon Him for salvation.

Read 2 Corinthians 3:15-18.

  1. When you think of a veil being worn by someone, what event comes to mind? Why is a veil worn? What does it signify?
  1. How is this veil different or similar to the veil that Paul is talking about in 2 Corinthians chapter 3?

There is a key phrase in verse 18, that talks about “beholding the glory of the Lord.” When God’s glory is beheld, it leads to a transformation “from one degree of glory to another.” So, in some ways, God shares His glory with believers. If you are a Christian, then you bear the image of God and reflect His glory (excellence, perfection, glowing light) to those that are around you. As you behold the glory of God, you are transformed. One important aspect of beholding the glory of God is being attentive to His presence.

  1. Where have you experienced God’s presence? What does it feel like? How did you know that it was God?
  1. When was the last time you experienced God’s presence? Did it leave you wanting more?

God does not need an invite, but I believe that He loves to be invited. We sing songs saying that the Holy Spirit is welcome in this place. God does not need that invitation, but when people truly desire Him, He often “shows up.”

One of my most vivid memories of this is a prayer meeting I was part of for a year. It was just one or two friends and me. Every Tuesday night, for most of the year, we met to pray together and sing to the Lord. There were no instruments, no stage, and no fancy lights. It was just a few guys who wanted to behold the glory of the Lord. We did not experience anything crazy, but I looked forward to those nights almost every single week. God met us in that college classroom. It is times like that, slowing down to just think about the Lord and praise Him, without the fancy stuff, where God often shows His glory.

  1. What is one way you can behold the glory of God this week? Is there someone you can do it with?

If you desire God’s presence, find someone like-minded, choose a time, and spend time together reading Scripture, praying honest prayers, and singing to the Lord. I promise that is not a waste of time. In a world that is so fast-paced, slow down, behold the glory of the Lord, and see how He changes you!
