Lesson Four

Pastor Josh Combs

I love the word “therefore” in the Bible. It tells us essentially, because of this, do that or do not do those things or think this way or do not think that way. 

Towards the end of Ephesians chapter 4, we find a big “therefore.” Paul is pivoting from the theological truths of the first few chapters to the issues of practical Christian living. He is going to talk about the nuts and bolts of Christianity or the “rubber meets the road stuff.” Notice the order of the letter though: the foundation of theological truth, then practical living (not the other way around). Because of the profound mystery of Christ, because of the Gospel, because you have been made new, because you have been created (or recreated) in Christ Jesus…THEREFORE!  

If that Gospel transformation has happened, here is what your transformed or renewed life will look like. The Apostle Paul seems to focus primarily on how our relationships will change. Marriage, parenting, co-workers, bosses, neighbors, and others are all addressed. Chapter 4 is a rapid-fire sequence of how Jesus transforms how we treat people. 

4:25 - We do not lie, but we tell the truth. 
4:26 - We get angry, but we do not hold a grudge. 
4:28 - We do not steal, but work hard and share. 
4:29 - We do not gossip, but we encourage.
4:30 - We are not bitter, resentful, or malicious, but tenderhearted and forgiving. 

For this study guide, we are going to focus on one of these relationships. 

Ephesians 4:28 says, “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.” 

1. Have you ever been the victim of a thief? If so, what happened? 

There are whole industries that have been started to try to combat stealing. Think about the amount of scams and identify thefts that take place on a daily basis.  

Stop and think: what have you done today (out of habit, without thinking about it) to combat somebody stealing from you? Can you list ten things? 

Sadly, if we kept thinking about it, we could come up with dozens of things that we do, without even noticing, that are meant to keep us from being stolen from. 

2. Tough question: have you ever stolen (took something that was not yours)? If so, what was the situation? (Avoid the “I stole a candy bar when I was a kid” stories. Be transparent.) 

The Good News of Jesus changes us. We have a “such were some of you” moment (Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). We are not thieves, swindlers, or con artists anymore. We have been made new. 

In his letter to the Christians at Ephesus, Paul says, “Did you use to make ends meet by stealing? Well, no more! Get an honest job so that you can help others who can’t work.” (Ephesians 4:28, MSG) 

We do not steal anymore; we work.  

3. Read Ephesians 6:5-9 and Colossians 3:22-4:1. What does work look like for a Christian? 

Christians should not steal. We should be the best employees and the best employers. That means we do not steal from our boss and we do not steal from our employees. 

That seems basic; but why? Why should we be good workers? It is more than just to provide for our family. That is a good thing. See the progression of Ephesians 4:28. We do not steal from people anymore; we work “so that [we]…have something to share with anyone in need.” Outside of Christ, our needs were more important than others. That is the mentality that leads to stealing, but it is also the attitude that leads to greed. If we just say, “Okay I will not steal anymore, I will earn what I have,” we would still fall short of what Jesus wants for us. We work so we can give it away! Whoever said, “sharing is caring,” was right.  

4. How has someone shared with you at a moment when you were in need? 

5. Have you ever thanked them? (If not, pause right now and text them, call them, or write them a thank you note.) 

6. Do you have somebody you need to share with? Who? How?  

7. How did the early church in Acts practice sharing? Read Acts 5:32-37. 

Because of what Christ has done, “therefore,” stop stealing, start working, and start sharing. Why? It is because of Christ’s great gifts to us! He is the ultimate example of sharing. 

8. What has Christ given to us?
Ephesians 1:17
Ephesians 2:8
Ephesians 4:7
Ephesians 4:11-12
Ephesians 5:2, 25 

Our giving is a reflection of what Jesus Christ has given to us. How and how much we give is directly related to how we see the gift of God. When we are stingy, greedy, and selfish, we must return to the cross to see the greatest gift, given by the greatest giver and be inspired once again. That is the “therefore” moment we regularly need.  
