We are excited to embark on a new adventure with this book! We have designed “Father Abraham” to be completed as an individual or as a family unit. While the target audience for these lessons is parents to read to their children, we are inviting the entire family of The River Church to join in this study. While the direct application of these lessons and devotions will be applied within families, all truth from the Bible reveals the truth about who God is and how He rescued and restored our relationship with Him.
In “Father Abraham,” every week will contain a Growth Community lesson and also a weekly memory verse. We believe in the importance of storing God’s Word in our hearts. We challenge you to practice your memory verse daily. This can be done individually, as a family, or even as a Growth Community.
“Father Abraham” also contains daily devotions, broken up into an interactive study. Some of my favorite moments with my family are when we are sitting down eating and doing a dinner-time devotion. For five days of the week, each devotion will highlight a section of Scripture for you and your family can read, an explanation of the section, some questions you can answer, and a daily activity.
Family can sometimes be a sensitive subject. I praise God for the way He designed the Church. In the event that you may live alone, the beauty of the Church is we are all adopted by the blood of Christ. This could be a great opportunity for you to meet up with a person in your Growth Community and talk about the Bible every day, once a week, or whatever time frame fits your schedule.
Parent Pro Tip: I will openly admit that consistency is hard. I have started my fair share of devotionals with my kids or in my personal life and have fallen short and not completed them. In the event that you miss a day, feel free to pick up the next day. All is not lost if you miss a day! Even if you and your family only accomplish three of the six days’ worth of family devotions, you should have plenty of material to help in your walk toward and with the Lord.