Final Battle • Devotion 2: The In-between

July 25, 2023 12:00 AM
Lesson Fifteen • Final Battle

Devotion 2: The In-between

Cathy Story

How often do you stop to think about how interesting the times we live in are? I do not just mean the times historically or politically, but spiritually. Spiritually we are living in a time of in-between. We live the ever-present moment of knowing that Jesus has come, and Jesus will come again. For those who have chosen to profess belief in God and that He sent His son to die for our sins; we know that Jesus has come to reclaim that which was lost! We live in a time when God has blessed us with His literal Word that speaks to us today. The book of Hebrews gives us some great reminders. Hebrews 4:12 states, “For the word of God is living and active.” Hebrews 13:8 writes, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” 

These verses should give us great encouragement. Looking back through the Bible, we can see time and time again where God showed Himself to be faithful, a provider, a helper, and loving. We can go back and read about heroes of faith who were broken and lost, just like us, that God used to change the world.  We can look to His Word and see how God’s sovereign hand was always in control. Does that mean that everything in every situation always worked out with a happy ending for those involved? By no means. There were still hurts, there were still tragedies. There were frustrations, setbacks, and difficulties. How can I be encouraged? It is because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Revelation chapters 18 and 20 record the ending of God’s story. These chapters show us that Satan will be defeated.  Revelation 20:10 writes, “And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur.”  Despite the fact that we are still waiting for Jesus’ return, we know that He is victorious. God is the same God throughout the Bible. Right now we live in the in-between. It is the time of knowing that Jesus has died to set us free, and waiting for His glorious return. We can know Him, trust Him, and worship Him even in a world that is so messy, broken, and hurting. Because we know God’s Word is perfect, and we can read about all that God has done, we get to live in a time where our waiting will not be in vain. We have the promise of a new Heaven and a new Earth that will one day come.

Wherever you are while you navigate through the in-between today, take hope!  We have the gift of God’s Word, of having fellowship with other believers, and of the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Jesus has never changed. That victory that Jesus will have over our enemy will take place. One day, we will stand in a place where there is no sin blocking our view of Jesus. Let us make the best use of our time while we are in the in-between and ensure as many people as possible who interact with us know that Jesus is Lord.
