Devotion 2: Letters to My Little Ones
Devotion 2: Letters to My Little Ones
Pastor Ryan Story
A letter to my children:
The things that God is going to do with your lives are unfathomable! I cannot even begin to figure out what you will be. Will you be calm or wild? Will you have a thirst for righteousness and a heart for those in need? Will you be logical and loving? I cannot even begin to think what your personality will be like, to even think about what God is going to do with your life. Even though I do not know much about you, knowing you will be used by God is such a fantastic feeling. The biggest dreams I can dream for you are still infinitesimal compared to what God has planned for you! God can do so many things with one small child. When Jesus was born, angels rejoiced so much they became visible. A group of shepherds’ lives were changed at the sight of a small baby. A temple priest by the name of Simeon said he saw salvation when he held that small baby. Wise men traveled miles to meet a small boy that lived under a star. Jesus was mighty from the moment He was born. God can do mighty things with small babies. While you may not be able to boast of that kind of might, know that God loves using small things.
The prophet Zechariah said, “For who dares make light of small beginnings” (Zechariah 4:10, NET). I cannot think of anything smaller than a baby, and I cannot think of anything larger than your potential. The largest tree starts as a small seed, but with the proper nurturing look at how tall it can grow. Some of the biggest companies that exist started in a garage or a basement. At one point, I did not know anything about the Bible. At one point, I did not know anything about Jesus. Years have passed and with a lot of hard work and being faithful to God; I am now trusted to teach the Bible to God’s people. I know God will be there to help you move whatever mountains are in your life, just never lose faith that He, in fact, can and will move them. Do not look at your limitations; look at God’s limitless power!
You all started out small, and have moved mountains in my heart. I cannot even begin to express how much I love you. I can only imagine how you will be able to be used by God to influence others and me. Never forget, size is not the same as power. Remember God used David to defeat Goliath. God only has one option: He must use the small to show His might. So let God show His might through you.