Devotion 1: “To Join Him in His Work”
“Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.” Ephesians 4:28 (NKJV)
One of the greatest joys we can experience in life is to join our Father in what He is doing.
It is like when a child “works” together with their father in the garage, shop, or mowing the lawn. The “help” certainly is not needed, but it is welcomed on both sides. The reason for this is simple: it is an expression of a relationship. A dad allows his child to help to be with his child in a special way. The child helps to be with their dad in a special way. Each benefits from the deepening of the relationship. This is what it is to be a follower of the Lord Jesus and give to those in need.
From a theological perspective, it is true that the Lord is limitless in His resources. There is no end, bottom, or ceiling to His riches. He can provide anything and everything a person needs from absolutely nothing. Consider just a few of the examples we are given in the Scriptures. Think of the two loaves of bread and five small fish that fed somewhere near 15,000 people. Consider the fish that was pulled from the water whose mouth held the money needed to pay the tax. Remember the jars of oil and flour that never ran out? Bread from heaven fell from the sky every day for two million people for forty years! Clearly, God does not need our “help.” He can do it Himself. Yet, He invites us to join Him in what He is doing. He allows us to be a part of it. Why? Relationship. It is the same reason a child helps their dad. It is the same reason a dad asks for his child’s help. Then, there is the relationship and all the blessings that come from it.
As you and I help meet the needs of others, we join our Father in His work. The fruits (or blessings) of a relationship are the result. The time together, the deepening of the relationship, and the joy over a job done are just to name a few. As we join Him, we are near to Him in a special way. As we give, we are led by Him in remarkable ways and blessed by Him in uncommon ways. These blessings are unique and are the result of working together with Him.
May you and I work hard, not to “have” everything we want, but so that we “have something to give him who has need.” To do so is to “enter the garage” with our Father (if you will) and join Him in His work in the lives of others. The blessing will be all ours!